L-Arginine, Tribulus Terrestries Extract, Mucuna Prureins Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Zinc & yohimbine bark extract Capsules
Spermia is used to treat Oligospermia
Spermia is a combination of -Arginine, Tribulus Terrestries Extract, Mucuna Prureins Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Zinc & yohimbine bark extract
Administration of L-Arginine to oligospermic patients results in an improvement in both the sperm counts & motility without any side effects.
As an aphrodisiac, mucuna helps men last longer by increasing libido, erectile strength & ejaculation latency.
Tribulus terrestris enhances libido and has beneficial effects on semen parameters such as count, motility & morphology.
Ginkgo biloba is a key herb to revitalize circulation & improve erectile functions.